Has becoming a parent changed your world?

This is the course to support you to make sense of this landslide, and manage it so life feels more like a stroll in the park again

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Occupational Balance

Becoming a parent can change your world, but sometimes this all mighty shift can make it unrecognisable and feel more like a landslide.

This is the course to support you to make sense of this landslide, and manage it so life feels more like a stroll in the park again.

Why parents love Parent Health Hub

Jo Guillou`s profile picture

Jo Guillou

Mum of 3 and 5 year old

Alice Unger`s profile picture

Alice Unger

Mum of 5 month old

Anna Waters`s profile picture

Anna Waters

Mum of 5 year old twins

R. Mackenzie`s profile picture

R. Mackenzie

Mum of a 7 and a 3 year old

Insights & journal

article thumbnail
Alice Vincenti

3 Min read



20 Jun '23

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Alice Vincenti

7 Min read

Why sensory regulation is so important for parents

Sensory Regulation

20 Jul '23

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Alice Vincenti

5 Min read

The Importance of Happiness for Working Parents: Practical Solutions for Talent Retention

Working Parents

25 Sep '23

Achieved Recognition

Find Health Clinics
OT Merrit award



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